A Big Adventure to York and Manchester
I realize it's been a while since I've done something really exciting... I've been mostly working on school work and such but this past week was READING WEEK and so I figured I really should go on some sort of an adventure. A classics buddy and I were planning on attending a postgraduate conference down in Manchester and I decided to head down early and stop off in York to visit all those crazy archaeologists I met in Wales in 2005.

Since the friend that I was staying with works for the archaeological research council in York, I got to go to some other tourist places for free. York has "Jorvik, the interactive viking centre" which has a "sights and smells" tour through what York was like as a Viking town in the 10th century. Quite fun. They've done a neat job of laying out the town with all the artifacts they'd found from the excavations. However, it is pretty cheezy with these moving robot vikings and random sounds. I then got to go to DIG which is where the archaeological research council has more artifacts from their digs around York as well as an area set up as an archaeological site where kids (and adults I guess) get a plastic trowel and can learn how to dig. There are different boxes for different time periods, with a bunch of artifacts glued to the bottom just waiting to be discovered. I ended up being the only "customer" in the building and so got my own private tour. It was quite fun playing in the fake dirt (it was made up of little pieces of rubber) although I was definitely not using proper archaeological technique. We then moved on to the bone trays which I absolutely loved and ended up actually teaching my tour guide something about bones since he hasn't really done that much work with them. All in all it was a great time.

On Saturday, I got on the train to head to Manchester. It was definitely a little bit of a culture shock since I have been in such a small town for the last 2 months it was very weird to be in a big city. The conference itself was great. I got to meet some really interesting people and heard some really interesting papers (which weren't presented well), some boring papers (which really weren't presented well), and some fantastic papers. I guess that's why it's good to participate in these postgraduate conferences. Since it is all students it's a less intimidating experience and a good way of getting more experience in presenting papers.
I apologize for the length of this entry but hopefully that will keep you all going for the next little while as I am now back into crazy work mode (I have a paper to present on Thursday and have to have a preliminary plan for my PhD for my supervisor next tuesday). Hopefully, I'll have time for some adventures but for the time being, I'm back in the library, hanging out with my books.
In Britain, it is an Official Hobby of Ours to come over to your country and steal your Geese.
It's what you get for leaving Art Garfunkel in charge of looking after them.
That's an amazing picture of Clifford's Tower! And those geese, do they not migrate at all now they've been so screwed up by the crazy scientist?
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