Wednesday, September 27, 2006

First mental breakdown

I went to go meet with my supervisor yesterday. He's awesome but very intimidating since he's published tons and is very well known in my field. We were meeting to discuss what I'll be working on and since I don't really have a clear idea of what I want to do, it was an interesting meeting. Turns out, what I kind of wanted to work on cannot be done unless I want to do huge amounts of archaeology and basically go around the English countryside just digging up random plots of land (not quite but basically). I love archaeology, but to be employable in this field it's not a good idea to be too narrow. So, I'll still probably be working in the Western provinces but most likely it will be in Roman Gaul (France) doing a combination of archaeology and history. Now, I have to learn a whole new province because I don't know anything about Roman Gaul. He sent me away with a ton of books to read by next week and well, I still haven't received my student card (ie library card). I had a little freak out and questioned what I was doing here and am I really ready for this. However, I did have a nice chat with another girl from the department and feel a bit better. Apparently, I need to start getting use to the "I'm not sure what I'm doing here" feeling because it happens fairly frequently.

Well, off to the library I go!


At 28 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is life without the "what am I doing here" question? Ponder that one...

-Aristotle aka M:)


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