Exploration and Deep-Fried Mars Bars

My residence is fantastic. It's like a little family and we have had a couple opportunities to all get together and head off to the pub. It's nice to know that there are many other people who are just as dorky (if not more) as I am! I just can't believe how amazing this place is. When I walk down towards my house from the main town centre I see this:
I am just amazed everytime I turn a corner when I walk through the town. There is just so much to see and the town is completely different from all the other places I have lived. I can't believe how fortunate I am to be living in a place like this.
I also had a chance this week to meet my supervisor. He's awesome although I am still fairly intimidated by him. I have a lot of work to do over the next little while to get myself ready for the task ahead. I'll probably be a dork and go start working in the library this weekend.
On a lighter note, I had the opportunity of experiencing one of Scotland's delicacies today. No, I have not yet eaten haggis. In fact, it was the other, lesser known, Scottish delicacy, DEEP-FRIED MARS BARS!!! That's right, they take a Mars bar, put it in batter, and then deep-fry it. It makes the bar go all gooey on the inside. It's not actually as bad as it sounds (it actually tastes quite good) however, I now understand why Scotland has the highest instance of heart attacks in Europe. (you can also get fried hamburgers) All, I can say is I'm glad I went for a run this morning!
yum! bring on the fat! Spectacular views G! We are jealous...
Love, M
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