I love living in an old place
I went to a "Welcome to the Library" course on Tuesday. Yes, I know I'm a dork. However, I learned some interesting things about this little university of mine. Firstly, we are the only university in Scotland that still has the Papal Bill (what is given to the university when it becomes a university). The crazy thing is that it is from 1411. Also, St. Andrews has in its possession a 13th century copy of St. Augustine's City of God. I guess this is what happens when the university has been around for so long. When I actually get some spare time I'm going to go visit the old library (which is housed in St. Mary's College) where most of the 16-17 century books are housed.

I've been having tons of fun just walking around a looking at all the crazy old buildings in my little town. It's absolutely fantastic. A historian's dream really. At the same time, I don't really feel like I'm that far away. But then I'm jerked back into reality by a car coming speeding around the corner by our dinning hall from the wrong side of the road (aka the right, always look right for cars!)
I'm just so fortunate to have the opportunity to study here. And, I've been hanging out with lots of people from all over the world, not only Americans, although there are plenty of them here.