Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I'm not a big fan of Christmas. This shouldn't be a surprise to people who know me. I don't like how it brings out the worst in people, the stress of trying to get everything right because some outside force (whether our family, friends, advertising, social pressures, etc) is telling us that's what we have to do. That said, this year, I've seen another side of Christmas and think that maybe, we in North America (and the UK although they are not so bad) could learn something from the Germans.

German Christmas Markets! I've had my first experience of them and I'd have to say they are absolutely wonderful (except for the hoards of people but that's my own problem). The lights are gorgeous, the smell of Glühwein (kind of like Mulled Wine) and baked goods, and all the amazing wooden ornaments and other crafts all laid out. People aren't rushing around, pushing people in Malls, under neon lights, trying to get this year's "must have". The markets are rows of little huts, in the shade of the cathedral, and are covered with little lights. It almost has a sense of home-y-ness about it. There is music playing but it is not the overpowering Christmas music you find elsewhere. People are just milling about, drinking Glühwein, eating, and chatting. Maybe the sense of urgency just isn't here yet since there are still 3 weeks till Christmas, but the feel of the season is completely different here. I might actually think about liking Christmas...

Now, for some Bratwurst!