Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring Update

Well, I've started hearing back from things that I've applied for for next year. Unfortunately so far the news has not been good. Although, I was kind of ready for the rejection since most of the things I applied for were definitely long-shots, it still feels like I've been dumped twice in the last couple weeks, but I guess this is the nature of what I do and is something I have to get used to. I didn't get short-listed for the lectureship which replaces my supervisor as he is going on leave for the next three years. I did have a great meeting with him and he gave me some very good positive feedback on my application. Really, the only thing I am missing right now is my PhD in hand so I guess I should really get on that!

I also applied for a fellowship in Rome, in which I was competing not only against other PhD students but also professors, post-docs and the like so it is no surprise that I didn't get it. It still kind of sucks but to make myself feel better I bought cheap flights to Rome for part of June so I look forward to a nice little vacation once all my teaching is done (although the reason why I am going is to do a bunch of research but it will still be nice I think).

I haven't heard back from anyone else yet but I should hear from everything else in the next month or so. So as it stands, my future is still uncertain, which is kind of exciting, but I'm now to the point where I really just want to know!

Other than that, nothing else new here. Most people have gone away for the Easter Holidays so I am alone in the office with the radio blasting classical music trying to get my chapter and my paper for the CAC finished.

The joys of PhD life!


At 13 May, 2009, Blogger Courtney said...

Are you destined to live abroad? I miss you! Good luck with the applications though. Are you visiting here anytime this year?


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